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Lawson's Finest Liquids Director of Brewing Operations Scott Shirley Talks Hazy Rays

91 Rating - Exceptional

Lawson's Finest Liquids Director of Brewing Operations Scott Shirley Talks Hazy Rays

We spoke with Lawson's Finest Liquids Director of Brewing Operations Scott Shirley about Hazy Rays.

Who came up with this beer’s recipe? 
This was a full team effort with a lot of input from the Sales and Marketing teams and it included many different perspectives, which created a lot of buy-in from everyone.  

What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)? 
The whole package. It’s a significant divergence in profile from our flagship Sip of Sunshine in many ways. 

Where does this beer’s name come from? 
It was a total group effort that was inspired by the fan-favorite, Sunshine-themed beers (Sip of Sunshine, Little Sip, Double Sunshine, etc.) in our lineup.  

Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less? 
Super juicy and fruity hazy IPA 

What's a good food pairing for this beer? 
It’s an easy-drinking beer and can be enjoyed with any meal. 

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