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Another State of Kind

United States
Another State of Kind Devils Backbone Sun King
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
20 / 24
34 / 40
6 / 6
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This double dank cream-style ale was brewed in collaboration with Sun King Brewing Co. Pale in color and loaded with Simcoe and Columbus hops, this beer is an unlikely marriage of a cream ale and a double IPA.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
40° F
Columbus, Simcoe
Superior Pilsen, Pale Wheat, Acidulated
Judges Review 
Phil Farrell's picture
Judges Rating:
20 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This clear, yellow beer displays a low, white head with tight bubbles and great retention. Some corn, biscuit and a noticeable pine resin are first encountered in the aroma. The hop aroma level is about half of what you would expect from most IPAs, similar to what you would expect in a Pale or Blond Ale. Just a touch of fruit esters emanate from the glass as it warms. Smells very much like a strong American Blonde or Pale Ale. More hop flavor than in the aroma, and besides the resin there is a little dankness and even a hint of the diesel characteristic of some of the newer hop strains. Very firm, substantial yet pleasant bitterness lingers into the aftertaste, which is longer than a standard strength Cream Ale, and it is in the aftertaste the first light ester and malt flavors appear. A medium-full body with medium low carbonation gives the impression of a pleasantly bitter beer that is noticeably stronger than a mass-produced Cream Ale. The alcohol character is slightly warming on the tongue, and there is no astringency or anything harsh on the palate. This is an interesting beer with IPA, Pale Ale, Cream Ale and Blonde Ale characteristics. The hop choice(s) leave a slightly dank, resiny impression, however everything works well together and is generally delicious.

Brewery Introduction

One might say the spark for the idea behind the brewery happened in 1992 with a visit to Cortina, Italy. Founders, Steve and Heidi Crandall were on a ski trip and were introduced to a German beer called Weihenstephan. This first real “craft” beer experience started a trend in the Crandall... Read More
