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Cloud Catcher Milkshake IPA

United States
Cloud Catcher Milkshake IPA, Odell Brewing Co.
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
22 / 24
37 / 40
6 / 6
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Cloud Catcher is a hazy, Milkshake IPA with a velvety soft mouthfeel from the addition of milk sugar (lactose). Galaxy, Cashmere, Azzaca, and Citra are double dry-hopped to give Cloud Catcher it’s juicy aromas of fresh squeezed citrus, creamsicle, and stone fruit.

Beverage Profile
Galaxy, Cashmere, Azzaca, Citra
Judges Review 
Michael Heniff's picture
Judges Rating:
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Cloud Catcher Milkshake IPA by Odell Brewing Co. is a New England-style hazy IPA and is being evaluated as a Specialty IPA (category 21B in the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines, referencing the working version of New England IPA style guideline on the BJCP's development website). New England IPAs are known for their juicy/tropical fruit/citrusy hop forward character, hazy appearance, and lighter than typical American IPA bitterness. Odell describes Cloud Catcher as "hop-forward with notes of creamsicle and peach; it delivers a citrus-like burst alongside its velvety texture".

This beer pours golden in color, very hazy, with a medium-sized, mousse-like white head. The aroma is prominent peach, mango, and tangerine hops with any malt or ester aromas buried well behind the hops. The hop flavor becomes more singularly orange in character with just a touch of malt to add a little depth to the flavor. The mouthfeel is medium-bodied and creamy. The beer finishes with a moderate bitterness and a lingering orange hop flavor reminiscent, as the brewery suggests, of a creamsicle frozen treat. 

This beer is an outstanding New England IPA but the hop flavor could have more complexity. Regardless, this is a very enjoyable beer that meets all facets of the relatively new style. Enjoy!


Brewery Introduction

Odell Brewing is now the 34th largest craft brewery in the country distributing beer to just 14 states.. While the brewery crafts a variety of beers, its roots are built on British styles. Innovation and creativity meet balance, consistency and quality in each brew.

This balance is a not... Read More
