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Stoaked Upland Beer
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
22 / 24
34 / 40
5 / 6
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

A friend of the devil is a friend of mine…

That’s how we feel about our new Belgian style quadrupel, Stoaked. Aged on fresh oak this dark strong beer has aromas of ripe fruit and subtle vanilla notes to tempt you. It’s lusciously rich and dangerously drinkable. Trust us; you’ll want to give in.
Stoaked is a luscious Belgian style quadrupel that pours a deep amber hue with shades of copper and ruby. Alluring aromas of ripe fig, cherry and subtle spice and caramel pull you in. Maturing for months on oak, Stoaked reveals a profound vanilla character and malty sweetness, supported by a creamy mouthfeel. With a clean finish and a lingering sweetness, this beer is dangerously drinkable for a beverage of its strength.

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 
Joseph Formanek's picture
Judges Rating:
22 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
16 / 20

Upland’s Stoaked is promoted as an Oak-aged Belgian Quadrupel. While the Quad character is quite evident, the wood notes that would be expected from beers of this style are quite subtle. The aroma of this moderately carbonated, clear, deep amber-colored brew with a fleeting white head is quite Belgian in character, with the expected banana and clove fermentation notes on top of a rather caramelly wine-like base aroma. There is very little oak character, but alcohol and sweetness is evident.  

Sweetness and alcohol, along with those Belgian fermentation-based banana and clove notes dominate the flavor. For a Belgian-type fermentation, there is little of the higher alcohol sharpness that would typically be present in this style. The carbonation is moderate, though perhaps a little bit on the low side for this style. Hop expression is also very subtle, resulting in a brew that lacks any real bite in the middle and finish. Malt and sweeter fermentation characters rule this brew. Any true oaky wood flavors are difficult to detect, but there is a marshmallow-like flavor in the finish that could be coming from the vanillin in the oak. The body is somewhat full, and sweetness lingers through the aftertaste.  

Overall, this is a big, sweet and somewhat cloying Belgian Quad. While sweetness is certainly expected in this style, typical examples have additional bitter or spicy characters in the finish to better balance out this sweetness. That said, this particular example was very fresh, being in the bottle for only a week or so. It is possible that desirable complexity will increase with proper cellaring.


Brewery Introduction

Located in Bloomington, Indiana, Upland Brewing Co. began its intriguing story in 1998 with a mission to brew remarkable beers in remarkable ways, staying true to the artisan, progressive spirit found in our part of the Midwest. Our sour program began in 2006 as a way to entertain our curious... Read More
