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Joseph Formanek's picture

Judge's Review: 93 Rating - Maui Waui IPA by Altamont Beer Works

October, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Maui Waui IPA by Altamont Beer Works is a quite dank rendition of the BJCP 21A American IPA style, with the hop character being perhaps a bit on the high end of the style. Nonetheless, this is still a well-crafted and enjoyable brew.

Dank hop aromas (Citra, Mosaic) are well noted upon the pour, with Simcoe notes being stronger than Citra. A very light malty sweet aroma is in the background. The beer is a light golden color with absolutely fantastic clarity and a white, small-bubbled lacy head with very good retention.

The flavor is dominated by the dank hop character from start through finish. Again, Simcoe seems to dominate over the Citra character. The malt backbone is light to moderate, and, while it is overwhelmed by the hop flavors, it is still present. The middle and finish retain the same character. Hop bitterness is moderate. The body is a light medium, the carbonation is moderate, and the finish dries out nicely in preparation for the next sip. The overall fermentation character is very clean, allowing the malt and hop components to be well experienced in the flavor.

This is a very quaffable IPA with proper balance and flavor to make it quite interesting. You will not be disappointed!
