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Phil Farrell's picture

Yellow Snow IPA

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

The initial aroma is a clean mix of grapefruit and resiny hops with a little biscuit malt character peeking through. There is more hop flavor than the nose would suggest, including pine, spice and a little tropical fruit character. It ends with a dry, very firm bitterness that lingers a long time in the finish. The malt has a touch of caramel flavor, but is only a springboard to showcase the decidedly American hops. The overall impression is that of a very thirst-quenching daily IPA which accommodates having more than one. The brewer leaves the traditional West Coast-inspired parting shot of bitterness to encourage the next sip.The initial aroma is a clean mix of grapefruit and resiny hops with a little biscuit malt character peeking through. There is more hop flavor than the nose would suggest, including pine, spice and a little tropical fruit character. It ends with a dry, very firm bitterness that lingers a long time in the finish. The malt has a touch of caramel flavor, but is only a springboard to showcase the decidedly American hops. The overall impression is that of a very thirst-quenching daily IPA which accommodates having more than one. The brewer leaves the traditional West Coast-inspired parting shot of bitterness to encourage the next sip.
