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New York
United States
Southern Tier Krampus
Judges Ratings 

Brewed with the spirit of Krampus, the fanged, goat-horned bully that is, as European tradition suggests, the evil sidekick of St. Nicholas and enforcer of the list. While St. Nick delivers presents to the good boys and girls, Krampus is there to punish the naughty children. This Christmas season, enjoy a Krampus Imperial Helles Lager and decide whether you are naughty or nice. Finished with lager yeast and aged cold for no less than 30 days, it is the medley of rich, dark malts and aromatic hops that make this a diabolical brew, threatening to warm even the most frigid of hearts.

FOOD PAIRINGS: Particularly tasty when paired with Thai food, sharp cheddar cheese, roasted turkey, beef.

AVAILABILITY: Holiday Seasonal, November release / 22oz / 1/6 keg

Beverage Profile
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Judges Review 
