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Sean Coughlin's picture

Leaning Chimney

July, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

The profile of a fresh, well-designed American Porter jumps out of the glass -- rich, fudge-laden malt with a bright sprinkling of hops showcasing pine needles. Any smoke character is missing but would be a welcome addition. The hops become more present as the beer warms. Jet black with a long-standing creamy tan head, this beer's appearance encouragees you to take a sip. The flavor isn't quite as chocolate-heavy as the aroma implicated -- more of an ashy flavor that brings in some of the smoke element. There is a firm moderate bitterness and moderately high pine flavor to support the charcoal notes from the malt. The mouthfeel showcases a medium full body with initial creaminess that is overtaken by moderate astringency, which is mostly grain-derived. All in all, a solid robust porter that lacks some smoke in the overall balance. A slightly smoky, French Roast coffee-like profile would add an excellent layer of complexity to the aroma and flavor of this beer.
