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S J Klein's picture

Pinedrops IPA

January, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This beer's aroma reminds me of a pine forest – moss and earthy with hints of orange peel and light esters. It pours with a slight haze, copious bubbles and a rich white head. Upon taking a sip, you get a nice hop experience that's not too malty or sweet. While definitely hop-forward, there is somewhat less hop flavor and aroma than the nose would suggest. There is, however, a deep bitterness on the back of the tongue, leaving a lasting impression of hop resins. A faint sweetness balances the finish out. It's very effervescent, giving it the impression of being light, and it doesn't coat the tongue. It's not astringent, but it is somewhat puckering, and it has a sharp finish.

In sum, this is a solid IPA in a sea of over-the-toppers. It's worth having another in my book.
