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S J Klein's picture

Dark Star

February, 2016

Dark Star

Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This beer has a nose rich with cocoa and goat cheese with just a hint of molasses, and mild floral hop notes also peek through. It's opaque with a dark brown head that quickly vanishes despite high carbonation. In the mouth it's rich, dark and sweet – somewhere between good Turkish coffee with a sugar cube in the cup and German black bread dipped in molasses. There is a well-defined (yet subtle) hop bitterness that sneaks up on you if you're not paying attention, and the beer leaves you with nice roasty notes that linger well after the beer is gone. It has a yeasty, thick body, and the mouthfeel is warm and coating. The effect is almost rum-like when it's warm.

This is an interesting take on a classic style: very rich and warm, an not afraid of roast character but not bitter or astringent. A nice, well-crafted beer.
