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Joseph Formanek's picture

Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Jucifer by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co.

March, 2020


Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Jucifer by Gnarly Barley Brewing Co. is a very flavorful and aroma-forward take on the BJCP 21B Specialty IPA – New England IPA style. This one has aroma and flavor aplenty and really stands up for itself very well. 

Extremely dank hop aromas (Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe) dominate the nose upon the pour, with the citrus and tropical fruit being most dominant. There is a light malty sweet aroma is in the background. The beer pours like a pulp-free orange juice, being completely turbid with a solid rocky white head with small bubbles and lacing.

The flavor is very dank, with overripe tropical fruit and citrus hop character predominant from start through finish. Citra is the leader of the pack here. The malt backbone is light to moderate. The drink starts off somewhat dry, but it becomes progressively sweeter over time, probably due to the fruity hop flavors.  Hop bitterness is moderate. The body is a light medium, the carbonation is moderate, and the finish is a bit sweet but is tempered a bit by the residual hop bitterness. The overall fermentation character is very clean, allowing the hop flavors to be well expressed. Interestingly, the alcohol level seems a bit low for the style.

This is overall a well-crafted and quite enjoyable brew. Do not get this one thinking it is a quaffable thirst-quencher – this is a full-flavored brew that really deserves to be savored. Take your time!!

Cheers and enjoy! 
