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Jason Johnson's picture


January, 2016


Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

The very approachable and non-threatening aroma features moderate orange-y citrus hop character, and some low notes of fresh, zesty tangerine are noticeable. The malt aroma is slightly sweet with a just a touch of caramel aroma. The color is light gold with excellent clarity. The off-white head is well-formed, but not very long-lasting. This is an easy-drinker with a zesty citrus edge. The tangerine is more noticeable in the flavor for me than the aroma. The bitterness is on the lower end of the scale for an IPA, but the hop flavor is quite nice and it complements the tangerine nicely. There are solid orange-like citrus flavors and it’s not very piney or harsh. I think the hop choices used in conjunction with the tangerine and grain bill work well for the flavor, but for an IPA, it’s lacking that bold bitterness that you expect. The bitterness for this beer falls in the lower end of the moderate range in my opinion. So for me, it’s a closer to a pale ale in intensity than an American IPA. Still, the finish is nice with a juicy hop character that lingers on for a few minutes. The body is solidly in the medium range, the carbonation is good for this beer style and the mouthfeel is nice with just a little bit of a creamy edge. In the end, this beer is very quaffable and will be a great springtime or summer beer. With just a little bit more hop punch, this beer could really soar.
