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S J Klein's picture

Mocha Porter

Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
40 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

A roasty, toasty, boasty beer. It will keep you up... if it doesn't knock you down first! The coffee and chocolate are very well balanced in this beer. They are here to support the beer, not the other way around. It is surprisingly dry, neither more dry nor more astringent than it should be, and it is rich, warming and eminently drinkable. It has a lighter mouthfeel than I would expect, but as a whole this is a lovely brew. The additions of chocolate and coffee are not gimmicks; they are balanced elements of a well-crafted beer. I keep finding myself comparing this beer to Rogue Chocolate Stout, which I consider the gold standard for chocolate in beer, and I think I would rather drink this. It is not as sweet, it has a better balance, and it makes me want to drink another. Truly a world-class beer.
